Education and Training Committee (Required by FHSAA)
Chairperson – Mark Rodwell
Oversees all aspects of recruitment, retention, training, education and certification for the LOA and it’s officials. The Education/Training Committee is responsible for the planning, content and implementation of training sessions, including on-the-field/court training. This also includes educating local officials on FHSAA policies and procedures, NFHS rules and mechanics and developing a curriculum that is current and effective in both content and methodology.
*May also apply to USLacrosse sanctioned Youth Games.
US Lacrosse Sub-District Coordinator (Acts as Chair of E&T Committee)
Comprised of the following:
- Head High School Trainer
- Head Youth Trainer
- At-large Certified Trainer
- At-large Certified Trainer
Evaluation and Observation Committee (Required by FHSAA)
Chairperson – Skip Spenseri
Committee oversees evaluation and observation programs for the LOA including the assigning and selection of LOA observers and evaluators. The Evaluation Committee is responsible for setting up the process and selecting those individuals who will assist with the evaluation of member officials within the local officials association. Each official with two or more years experience should be evaluated at least once during each season. First-year officials should be evaluated periodically throughout
the season so that mini-clinics may be offered, if necessary, to re-enforce good officiating skills.
*May also apply to USA Lacrosse sanctioned Youth Games.
Comprised of the following:
- E&O Committee Chair
- E&O Committee Vice-chair
- At-large Certified Observer/Evaluator
- At-large Certified Observer/Evaluator
Recommendations Committee (Required by FHSAA)
Chairperson – Sherwin Anderson
Committee oversees the recommendations and awards for the LOA. Recommendations include playoff assignments and other such awards. Committee works closely with Evaluation and Observation Committee and Assignment Committee. The Recommendations Committee is responsible for reviewing the evaluations of each member official during the regular season. This committee is also responsible for preparing and submitting to the FHSAA Office a list of member officials who deserve consideration for assignment to State Series contests. The assignment officer (booking commissioner) should act on the recommendations of this committee.
*May also apply to USA Lacrosse sanctioned Youth Games.
Comprised of the following:
- Recommendation Committee Chair
- E&O Committee Vice-Chair
- Assigners Committee Vice-Chair
Ethics and Grievance Committee (Required by FHSAA)
Chairperson – Lee Mowry
Committee oversees any grievances or ethical violations by LOA members, board, assigners, etc. The Grievance Committee is responsible for hearing complaints and appeals made or brought by one or more of its member officials. Member officials who have grievances because of penalties may appeal under the provisions of the local officials association’s Constitution and Bylaws.
*May also apply to USA Lacrosse sanctioned Youth Games.
Comprised of the following:
- Ethics and Grievance Committee Chair
- E&G Committee Vice-Chair
- At-Large Assigner
- At-Large Trainer
- At-Large LOA Member
- At-Large LOA Member
Assignment Committee (Required by FHSAA)
Chairperson – Mike Lowenstein
This committee is responsible for overseeing the association’s assigners and verifying proper scheduling by the assigners.
The Assignment Committee is responsible for overseeing the entire contest assignment procedure within the local
officials association. This includes ensuring compliance with requirements on the composition of officiating crews, reviewing and approving each member official’s schedule of assigned contests and making the assigning officer aware of any corrections that need to be made before the assignment schedule is submitted to the membership. It is not implied that the Assignment Committee is to make assignments.
*May also apply to USA Lacrosse sanctioned Youth Games.
Committee consists of:
- Chief High School Assigner
- Chief Youth Assigner
Youth Committee
Chairperson – Michael Bolger
Committee oversees the youth officials and assigners. Handles direct communication and collaboration with SFYLL Directors, youth level leagues, clubs and tournaments. Comprised of the following:
- Youth Committee Chair
- Youth Committee Vice Chair
- Chief Youth Assigner
- Head Youth Trainer
- Head Youth Evaluator
Recruitment Committee
This committee is responsible for recruiting new officials and board members for the association. It works hand in hand with local leagues, chapters and other sport contacts to recruit new lacrosse officials. Committee consists of:
- Recruitment Committee Chair
- USL Sub-District Coordinator
- At-large Member
- At-large Member
Hospitality Committee
The Hospitality Committee is responsible for providing good will, greetings, food and beverage for out-of- county crews that officiate state series games or attend field clinics. Budgets and expenses are to be approved by the Executive Board.
*May also apply to USA Lacrosse sanctioned Youth Games.
- Hospitality Committee Chair
- At-large Member
- At-large Member
High School Committee
Committee oversees the high school officials and assigners. Handles direct communication and collaboration with high school level leagues, clubs and tournaments. Comprised of the following:
- High School Committee Chair
- High School Committee Vice Chair
- Chief High School Assigner
- Head High School Trainer